The day started out to be a rather nice morning, Did a little laundry folded and put away. Same as usual watch the Doctors, then sometime around 12 or so get ready for work. I was a little later leaving today than usual, I proceed to my car, get in, back up and I say (OH NO! I THINK I HAVE A FLAT TIRE!!!) No this could not be, I HAVE to go to work! But as I get out to see if I was right, This time I wish I was not, But low and behold that tire was flat as a pancake could ever be! My mind really starts racing then (WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?) I call Cindy and tell her all about it. Then I call my son and he comes and airs it up and follows me to work. That was at 3PM, just when everyone was getting off from first shift. Someone calls back and said to tell BRENDA she has a flat tire. Bubba comes back to my work and takes the tire off and goes and has another one put on my rim!!! I go out to check out everything about 4PM and I see my keys are locked inside my car!!!!! I then call Regina and she comes and unlocks it, since she has a key. Just little things like this always gets me in a "tizzy". But I do need a new set of tires like real soon. This is probably as boring as the fish story, but I at least got it off my chest . Hope tomorrow is better!!!!
Well... I posted a comment this morning and for some reason it didn't show up. So here is what I said. YOU SHOULD HAVE CALLED YOUR RETIRED SUSTER. IT TAKES ME 7-8 MINUTES TO GET THERE AND CHANCES ARE I WAS DOING NOTHING TO KEEP ME FROM HELPING YOU!!!!! Today is going to be a better day for you:) I love you!!!!!!